Bitgen signature verification

There files are signed using bitsig and GPG. Here are instructions for how to verify the signatures.

GPG signature verification

1. Download the public key file: bitgen_public.gpg
2. Import the public key: gpg --import bitgen_public.gpg

The fingerprint should be: 07F1 2DE4 697E 7023 05AE 2697 001A 251E F85C 3A85

3. Verify the signature: gpg --verify the_file_name.asc
The output should include the following text: "Good signature from Bitgen"

Bitsig signature verification

1. Run bitsig with the verify command: bitsig verify the_filename

For example:
$ bitsig verify bitgen_0.15.tar.gz
The following message shoud be displayed:

Verify OK for address: 1L5TnzknDGZuHde9Uz8mBjZAq6tz8MnN97
Web address: